Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Deploy login application in Lunarpages

Here we will deploy the app we just built ( on a public web hosting server from Lunarpages

A. Creating your database for Gorku:

Log into cPanel and click on MySQL Databases icon: As per the example , enter gorku in the "New Database" field under Current
Databases area, then click "Create Database" button. Your full database name
will then show as cPaneluser_gorku.

Under Current Users area as seen in the example below, enter gorku for the "Username" field and enter a password that you write in your notes for the "Password" field, then click "Create User" button. Your full database user's name will then show as cPaneluser_gorku.

Under Add Users to Your Database area as shown below, select in the "User" dropdown cPaneluser_gorku and select in the "Database" dropdown cPaneluser_gorku, then click "Add User to Database" button.

B. Upload Gorku via FTP:

Open your FTP client and access your account via FTP with most clients using the following to connect:Host/Address:

Username: cPanelusername

Password: cPanelpassword

Highlight the folder gorku on your system where you saved it and right click.
Select upload (it needs to be uploaded to your main directory not inside public_html folder, so you should be at the level where you see public_html listed as a folder)
You can view an image of what Filezilla FTP client would look like for this process at this location.

C. DB Setup

Changing the database.yml file for your database details:
In File Manager, click on the folder icon to the left of the gorku folder:
Click on the folder icon to the left of the config folder:
Click on the database.yml file name (not the icon):
In the upper right hand corner, click on "Edit File" link as shown below.
A new window will open with the following in it:

login: &login

adapter: mysql

host: localhost

username: cPaneluser_gorku

password: database user pass here


database: cPaneluser_gorku

<<: *login


database: cPaneluser_gorku

<<: *login


database: cPaneluser_gorku

<<: *login

Replace cPaneluser with your cpanel username (there are 4 instances of this on lines 4, 8, 12 and 16). Do not remove the _gorku or _tests part. For example, I would replace cPaneluser_gorku with rubyasyl_gorku for my account. In the password: line (line 5), input the password you used when creating your database user earlier. Click the "Save" button, then close that window (keep the File Manager Window open though).

D. Symlinking your folder to gorku:

In cPanel main area, click on "Cron Jobs" icon:
Click "Advanced (Unix Style)" button:
Enter the following as an example in the Advanced area:Minute Hour Day Month Weekday10 7 * * *
This would run the cron at 7:10am Pacific time each day of the week. Change the 10 to a time 5 minutes from the current hour (so if it is currently 11:27am, change to 32 for the Minute). Change the hour to the current hour (so if it is currently 11:27am, change to 11).
Enter the following for the Command field:cd /home/numbe3/public_html && ln -s ../gorku/public gorku
Replace username in the command path with your cPanel username, then click "Commit changes" button. See the image below for an example of what the area might look like before you click that button:
After you click "Commit changes" button, then click the Go Back link on the new screen:
Wait for the cron job to process (around 10 minutes after you created it), then delete the cron using the "Delete" link to the far right of it in the "Advanced (Unix Style)" area:Please note that it is very important that you perform this delete step so this cron does not keep running daily as you only want it to run this one time for the symlink creation.
You can check if the symlink actually worked by going into "File Manager" area, clicking on the folder icon next to public_html, then on the folder icon next to the new gorku folder that should now be in public_html folder. It should have the same contents that /home/username/gorku/public does.

E. Running rake migrate in cron:
In cPanel main area, click on "Cron Jobs" icon again:
Click "Advanced (Unix Style)" button:
Enter the following as an example in the Advanced area:Minute Hour Day Month Weekday10 7 * * *
As before, this would run the cron at 7:10am Pacific time each day of the week. Change the 10 to a time 5 minutes from the current hour (so if it is currently 11:27am, change to 32 for the Minute). Change the hour to the current hour (so if it is currently 11:27am, change to 11).
Enter the following for the Command field:cd /home/username/gorku && /usr/local/bin/rake db:migrate
Replace username in the command path with your cPanel username, then click "Commit changes" button.
After you click "Commit changes" button, then click the Go Back link on the new screen:
Wait for the cron job to process (around 10 minutes after you created it), then delete the cron using the "Delete" link to the far right of it in the "Advanced (Unix Style)" area:Please note that it is very important that you perform this delete step so this cron does not keep running daily as you only want it to run this one time for the database migration.

E. Set Correct Permissions

Set 755 to /gorku/public/dispatch.cgi, dispatch.fcgi, dispatch.rb

Edit dispatch.cgi

Replace #!C:/RUBYST~1/ruby/bin/ruby

by #!/usr/bin/env ruby

Edit dispatch.fcgi

Replace #!C:/RUBYST~1/ruby/bin/ruby
by #!/usr/bin/env ruby

Edit dispatch.rb

Replace #!C:/RUBYST~1/ruby/bin/ruby

by #!/usr/bin/env ruby

Edit robots.txt

User-agent: *

Disallow: /admin

It's working!

Let me know if you need any help in getting your first Rails app deployed in Lunarpages

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ruby On Rails Login module

Not a convert but a huge fan of Ruby on Rails(RoR). I feel Java and RoR will evolve as two separate eco-systems in future but that's a topic for another blog. In this one, I'm capturing the steps I followed in implementing the User registration for "" (the first cut).

1. Installed Bitnami RubyOnRails stack
2. Run "rails" followed by the name of your desired application inside the Rails Environment:rails gorku
3. projects\gorku>ruby script\generate model User
4. projects\gorku>ruby script\generate controller Main
5. projects\gorku>edit db\migrate\001_create_users.rb
class CreateUsers < limit =""> 40
t.column "email", :string
t.column "email_confirmed", :boolean, :default => false
def self.down
drop_table :users
6. Create the database and apply appropriate privileges
mysql\bin>mysql.exe -u root --port 3306 -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gorku_development;
mysql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gorku_production;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on gorku_development.* to 'root'@'localhost';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on gorku_development.* to 'ODBC'@'localhost';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on gorku_test.* to 'root'@'localhost';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on gorku_test.* to 'ODBC'@'localhost';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on gorku_production.* to 'root'@'localhost';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on gorku_production.* to 'ODBC'@'localhost';
mysql> flush privileges;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.18 sec)
6. projects\gorku>edit config\database.yml
adapter: mysql
database: gorku_development
username: root
password: ******
host: localhost
7. projects\gorku>rake db:migrate
8. Quick Verification
mysql\bin>mysql.exe -u root --port 3306 -p
mysql> use gorku_development;
mysql> desc users;
9. Edit projects\gorku\app\controllers\main_controller.rb
class MainController <>edit routes.rb
# Add new routes
map.connect '', :controller => "main", :action => "index"
map.connect 'register', :controller => "main", :action => "register"
map.connect 'confirm_email/:hash', :controller => "main", :action => "confirm_email"
11. projects\gorku\app\views\main>edit index.rhtml


Click <%= link_to "here", :controller => "main", :action => "register" %>to register.

12. projects\gorku\app\views\main>edit register.rhtml


<%= text_field "user", "username", "maxlength" => 20, "size" => 20 %>

email address
<%= text_field "user", "email", "maxlength" => 50, "size" => 20 %>

<%= password_field "user", "password", "maxlength" => 20, "size" => 20 %>

confirm password
<%= password_field "user", "confirm_password", "maxlength" => 20, "size" => 20 %>

13. Edit projects\gorku\app\controllers\main_controller.rb
def register
if request.get?
@user =
@user =[:user])

MailRobot::deliver_confirmation_email(@user, confirmation_hash(@user.username))
flash[:notice] = "Thank you for registering! We have sent a confirmation email to #{} with instructions on how to validate your account."
redirect_to(:action => "index")
# confirm an email address
def confirm_email


# create a hash to use when confirming User email addresses
def confirmation_hash(string)
Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(string + "secret word")
14. Edit projects\gorku\app\models\user.rb
require "digest/sha1"
class User < minimum =""> 4

attr_accessor :password, :confirm_password
# callback hooks
# validate that password and confirm_password match, and that email is proper format
def validate_on_create
@email_format =^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/)
errors.add(:email, "must be a valid format") unless @email_format.match(email)
errors.add(:confirm_password, "does not match") unless password == confirm_password
errors.add(:password, "cannot be blank") unless !password or password.length > 0
# hash password before create
def before_create
self.hashed_password = User.hash_password(self.password)
# after creation, clear password from memory
def after_create
@password = nil
@confirm_password = nil
# hash password for storage in database
def self.hash_password(password)
# clean string to remove spaces and force lowercase
def self.clean_string(string)
(string.downcase).gsub(" ","")

15. projects\gorku>ruby script\generate mailer MailRobot
16. Edit projects\gorku\app\models\mail_robot.rb
class MailRobot < recipients ="" from ="[user]@[domain].com"
@subject = "Confirm email address"
# email body substitutions go here
@body["username"] = user.username
@body["hash"] = hash
17. Create projects\gorku\app\views\mail_robot\confirmation_email.rhtml

Thank you for registering with our website. To confirm your email address, please visit the following address:<%= @hash %>

- Friendly Mail Robot
18. Email projects\gorku\config\environment.rb” (if using dreamhost else
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => "",
:port => 465,
:domain => "",
:user_name =>,
:password => "password",
:authentication => :login
ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = "utf-8"

For Numberconnect mail server the params would be:
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => "",
:port => 25,
:domain => "",
:user_name => "",
:password => "****",
:authentication => :login
19. Delete the file public/index.html
20. I'm done coding, need to test it out in the evening and then depoy the app on lunarpages
projects\gorku>ruby script\server

The App should work http://localhost:3000/

To make it work in Lunarpages, that's my next article...
